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The Greatest

All In One Place

The most curated library of music videos, concerts, and interviews in the world
/ per month (:
No credit card. Just an email.

World's Biggest Artists

No more searching for the videos you want to watch from your favorite artists. Head to their profile and find new, old, and hidden gems immediately

The Music Videos You Love

Stream and add videos to your watchlist to come back to anytime

Recommend An Artist

We are looking for new artists to our join our platform after we officially launch to the public

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely you can. Well… at least some of them. We have exclusive content AND embedded content from YT. Our strategy is to curate the best videos from across the internet onto one platform.

Nothing. We currently do not plan on charging any monthly subscription fees.

We are slowly curating more artists and videos onto the platform every day. We watch and hand pick every video that is added to the platform and that can take a while. If you want to submit an artist, use this link.

You bet! Just open up this same URL on your phone. We hope to launch native mobile apps soon. Stay tuned!

Although there is no reason to cancel (we don’t charge or collect any credit card information) you can click on your account on the top right corner and make account changes.

Unlimited Access To The Worlds Best Music Videos

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